Dec 30, 2009

¿La seguridad aérea es un desastre?

Otro punto de vista:

Considering the ease with which a suicide bomber could stroll into a Starbucks in any American city and kill a dozen people, you have to wonder at al Qaeda's obsession with targeting commercial airliners.

If 19 terrorists (the number who carried out the 9/11 attacks) each blew himself up at one- or two-week intervals in a shopping mall or a movie theater, America likely would become a seething nation of paranoid shut-ins. That it hasn't happened tells you something: Al Qaeda doesn't have a ready supply of competent suicide bombers, domestic or imported, to carry off serious attacks. That it continues to pour what little resources it can command into lame airliner attacks, like shoe bomber Richard Reid's failed attempt to blow himself up in 2001 and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's failed attempt on Christmas Day, tells you something else:

Al Qaeda may be incapacitated, but its leaders aren't dumb. So what if their hapless messengers only embarrass themselves and burn their legs? Al Qaeda can still count on the sizeable damage we will inflict on ourselves through an airport security apparatus that specializes in expensive political displays of barn-door closing that seldom have any real security payoff.


  1. hmmm, me parece demasiado traído de los pelos.

    En mi opinión, Al Qaeda es una banda de imbéciles que se puede esconder con bastante facilidad en ciertas regiones del mundo que le son amistosas. Al Qaeda es el producto de una sociedad occidental marica que por pruritos y miedos no hace lo que tiene que hacer para exterminarlos.

    Como decían en "An American Carol": "It is getting harder and harder to find good suicide bombers, all the good ones are gone."

  2. Este atentado fallido me hizo acordar al de hace un par de años en el metro de Londres. Para colmo, hay países europeos que le abren las puertas a potenciales terroristas o a terroristas de hecho. Todo por una cuestion de ser "políticamente correcto" y mostrarse civilizadamente avanzados como para abrirles las puertas a todas las razas y culturas.

    Claro, eso hasta que un día te desayunes con que un Abdul se inmoló en un tren o avión.


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