Jul 14, 2011

El ultimo alarido "verde"

Agua orgánica. No acepte imitaciones.
As the company's website says, "Illanllyr ... comes from our sources beneath certified organic fields in west Wales in the UK." So, Ewell says, the water has never been tainted with chemicals, making it organic as it as it emerges from the ground.

OK, so the soil above the water source is organic. We get that. But the water itself, organic? Maybe it's time to separate out the marketing buzz words from the science.

Remember the properties of water? H2O means each molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen (H) joined to one atom of oxygen (O). In order for something to be organic — as in alive — it needs carbon. So water, by definition is inorganic.

Felicito a esta compañía por esta gran estrategia de marketing, que pronto liberará a muchos eco-idiotas de sus preciados dólares y euros.

Y le recuerdo al periodista que escribió la nota, que acá en Argentina la fórmula química del agua es H-dos-cero, por decreto presidencial.


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