Jan 10, 2012

Vermin Supreme (D, NH)

Via Proof Positive, les presento a Vermin Supreme :

Via wikipedia :
Vermin Supreme is an American performance artist, anarchist and activist who is known for his being a satirical candidate in the United States in various local, State, and national elections. Supreme is known for wearing a boot-shaped hat and carrying a large toothbrush. He claims that if elected President of the United States he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth. He also campaigned in 2012 on a platform of Zombie apocalypse awareness, and promises a pony for every American. Supreme claims to mock the political system. He participated in the Occupy Boston protests. [...]

Vermin Supreme is currently campaigning in the 2012 election. The following are some of the milestones in this campaign:

Oct 29, 2011: He is to be listed on the 2012 Democratic Party primary ballot in New Hampshire.
No se por que no me extraña que se postule como Demócrata. El respeto que le tengo a los amigos del PLL me impide comentar sobre las insinuaciones de Proof Positive, acerca de que Vermin andaría muy bien como VP de Ron Paul.


  1. Mike,
    no podría ser VP de RP porque para darle un Pony para cada norteamericano estaría cobrando impuestos altos para lograr dicho objetivo.

    Me recuerda al personaje "Porelorti" de Fernando Peña.

  2. Por eso contesté como si fuera serio :D

    Igualmente no deja de recordarme a "Porelorti". Sería lo más similar a lo que hace el partido turro de Benegas, pero con un candidato que hace campaña.

  3. El de la foto no será el señor Jose Luis?


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