Nov 21, 2012

De Depre, parece que Corea del Norte se dirige raudamente a otra hambruna igual o peor que la sufrió en la década del 90, que dejó un tendal de más de dos millones y medio de muertos.

Y la culpa, una vez más, será de la economía de mercado.

¿A quién le importa, dicen vosaltres?

While famines anywhere have terrible humanitarian consequences, in North Korea's case in particular, they have political consequences because they have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. While the North Korean government has been building its nuclear arsenal and the maintaining the third largest land army in Asia, its people have been sliding into deepening poverty and acute malnutrition, stunting generations of children. One study shows that the average North Korean solider is 10 inches shorter than those in the South Korean military—a sign of chronic acute malnutrition affecting an entire generation of young North Koreans.

1 comment:

  1. Otro éxito del modelo por que que se les cae la bombachita a varios oficialistas.


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