Feb 12, 2005

Concentración de Poder

Hay un sitio que suele tener comentarios muy interesantes sobre cuestiones económicas, se llama The Angry Economist. Esta vez el Angry Economist incluye un post para pensar: se puede decir que toda concentración de poder es mala, por lo tanto los monopolios son malos. Sin embargo, aceptamos como algo natural el monopolio del estado:

Trying to overwhelm the concentrated power of a corporation by concentrating power in government is wrong. When a large company misuses its power, your action should be to make it smaller by buying from its competition. Even monopolies (e.g. Microsoft) have competition (e.g. Macintosh and Linux). I happen to believe that no government function is necessary, but I recognize that that is not a mainstream view. Most people support the idea of governments. How do you get away from having a monopoly government, though? How can you have competitive governments?

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