Apr 21, 2005

Caos en Ecuador

Una turba impedía la salida del vicepresidente, ahora presidente, para asumir el mando...

El análisis de The Economist:

Ecuador remains in limbo. Some of the protesters called for new elections. But the first task for Congress is to decide how to choose a new Supreme Court. The court will have to decide whether to reverse its predecessor’s decisions, such as that to exonerate Mr Bucaram.

Mr Gutiérrez made mistakes. But he did some things right. Helped by higher oil prices, Ecuador’s economy grew by 7% last year. For the first time in decades, the government posted a fiscal surplus. His economic team’s efforts to reform a bloated state were thwarted by an opposition that never really let the president govern.

Whatever respite it now enjoys, Ecuador’s democracy is deeply discredited. The system is corrupt—but corruption charges are used as a political weapon. Mr Gutiérrez owed his election to his claim to be a political outsider. In the end that may have been his problem.

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