Apr 20, 2005


Antes de mudarnos, mucha gente nos preguntaba por qué nos íbamos. Creo que esta es una muy buena respuesta (cambien “America” por "Canada"):

There are many reasons why I moved to America. Some of them are very deep and have to do with my ideology, family’s well being, education for my kids, security, etc. Some are very shallow and involve a brand name: Best Buy, Starbucks, Banana Republic, Costco and Target. The truth is I love to buy stuff. I love the idea of affordable luxury. You name it, I want it. I’m not clear why I want it but I know what I feel when I finally own it and I love it. I come from countries where success and wealth offends those who don’t have it. I’m hopelessly seduced by the American way. Success rocks!

1 comment:

  1. Esto tiene que ser una joda verdad?

    No encuentro razones mas deprimentes que esas para emigrar, hay que ser muy tacaño o corto la verdad.
    Mis razones para emigrar fueron diametralmente opuestas a esas por suerte, lo hice por amor!

    un saludo


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