May 11, 2005


Elena me manda este chiste por mail, la historia militar de Francia. Como le decía en mi respuesta, es durísimo, pero creo que tiene mucho de cierto.

De todos modos, hay que reconocer que los EE.UU. lograron su independencia en gran parte gracias al apoyo (interesado, por supuesto, pero apoyo al fin) de Francia:

In a related story I hear that CNN is reporting that the French Government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide". The only two higher levels in France are "Surrender" and "Collaborate".

The raised alert was precipitated by a recent fire, which destroyed one of Frances' white flag factories, completely disabling their military.

You really want a hoot? Follow this link for a complete military history of France.

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