Jul 5, 2005


Thomas Sowell sobre las diferencias entre el norte y el sur de EEUU.:

As late as the First World War, whites from a number of Southern states scored lower on mental tests than blacks from some Northern states. During the antebellum era, before there were mental tests, there were other clear indications that the redneck culture did not promote intellectual development.

Southern whites did not go to school, buy books, read newspapers, patent inventions, much less supply their share of leading intellectual figures, to anywhere near the extent that their white contemporaries in the North did. Nor was this due simply to poverty.

Books were not common even in the homes of many white Southerners who could have afforded books. That was just not part of the redneck culture.

1 comment:

  1. Un capo el negro. Es muy respetado y se nota que es por cómo piensa y escribe.


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