Aug 30, 2005

Calentamiento Global = Peores Huracanes

Soy conciente que este tema está de moda. El “calentamiento global”, o el “cambio climático”, como le dicen ahora que ya no está tan claro que se está calentando el globo, es la causa de los huracanes, tornados y los piqueteros en Argentina. Lo dice hasta La Nación, debe ser cierto.

También soy conciente de que no es fashion opinar en disidencia sobre este tema. Corremos el riesgo de ser inmediatamente acusados de falta de sensibilidad ecosocial, en el mejor de los casos, o directamente de formar parte de una vasta conspiración de derecha, y golpista, en el caso de Argentina.

Pero de todos modos, creo que vale la pena leer opiniones diferentes, puntos de vista alternativos al mantra de moda. Por lo menos, para burlarse después de lo equivocado que estaban.


Más de mi prima Katrina:

Great Moments in Journalism: Katrina Edition

Nothing brings out character like a crisis, and certainly a 500-year storm churning toward landfall qualifies as a crisis. So it was telling to watch CNN's Aaron Brown tell viewers Sunday night that it was "no hype" that the storm really, really was dangerous. In contrast all the other hype that passes for news on his network, perhaps?

Better still was the poor Fox News reporter who got his head handed to him during a live shot when he tried to opine that the scenes of devastation from the Asia tsunami last winter may have spurred people to seek higher ground. "They're not the same, you can't compare them," his would-be interviewee interjected, quite correctly. The skinny young man went on to note that hurricanes, after all, do come with warnings and giant tidal waves do not. Hand that guy the mic.

And it was hard to tell what went on locally news-wise in New Orleans, but the news that the Superdome was being "opened" to evacuees seemed to have been hopelessly muddled as thousands more than expected showed up, some with booze in tow, ready for an extended party, not glum downtime in a refuge of last resort. Subsequent news that both the power and the roof of the Superdome failed, a distinct risk given the size and power of the storm, underscored the fact that no serious examination of the idea had occurred anywhere, least of all in the media. City officials repeatedly spoke of people without transportation needing to make it to the Superdome. What, city buses couldn't make it up to Baton Rouge? Bizarre.

1 comment:

  1. El calentamiento global es la mentira mas grande de la era contemporanea.

    Por que se sigue alimentando? Aquellos paises con limites a su industrializacion (la Comunidad Europea, Japon) arrastran a una corte de paises empobrecidos que no creen en el esfuerzo, y a una sarta de idiotas utiles (pacifistas, ecologistas) para poner limites a la industrializacion y no perder "ground"


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