Aug 30, 2005

Canciones de la Ex Unión Soviética

Pensar todo lo que nos perdimos por la caída de la Unión Soviética, las maravillosas e inolvidables canciones de propaganda soviéticas. Infaltables en la cartera de la dama o en el bolsillo del caballero, para disfrutar durante el viaje o quedar bien con muy poca plata:

I have tried to assemble here a small legacy of songs left from the Soviet era. All of them were at once widely known and popular in the cities and towns of our glorious Motherland.

Some of these songs, even now, are known to practically everyone who has been born and raised in the USSR and other socialistic countries. Others, on the contrary, have been long forgotten, during the course of time.

These songs are a monument to our not too distant past, during which USSR tried to build a new socialist society. It was an interesting time, a time not only of terror and the Gulags, but of "The Great Projects", enthusiasm, victories, and faith in a "bright future for all of humanity." Even regardless of the fact that in the present day, a few of these songs are able to at least bring a smile to one's face, I am convinced that we should not deny that which is a part of our history and culture.


  1. Una pregunta al margen Opinador; llegó la tormenta tropical allá al Labrador?

  2. hoy está lloviendo y dicen que sigue la lluvia toda la semana, no se si tendrá que ver demasiado...

  3. me parece que habría que ampliar la lista de las canciones de propaganda para incluir a las canciones de propaganda pro-cuba castrista. ahí sí que tenemos un listado largo e internacional...

  4. Jorge, ahí si que tenemos material para un blog propio del tema, con todos los pseudo artistas del regimen castrista...


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