Aug 10, 2005


Thomas Sowell sobre la manipulación que hace la prensa de EEUU sobre las noticias de la Guerra en Irak:

This is a re-creation of the media's role in the Vietnam war, where American victories on the battlefield were turned into defeat on the home front by the filtering and spin of the media.

Even the current Communist rulers of Vietnam have admitted that they lost militarily in Vietnam but hung on because they expected to win politically in the United States -- as they did, with the help of the Jane Fondas, the Walter Cronkhites and a cast of thousands in the streets and on campuses across the country.

1 comment:

  1. Ja!, Si?
    La gano Rambo, no?

    Coincido en muchas cosas con vos, pero a veces tomas posiciones un tanto extremistas.

    De veces en cuando no viene mal ser un poco criticos de nuestra posiciones.


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