Todavía me acuerdo cuando a fines de los 80 de hablaba de la "nueva potencia mundial", Japón, que en muy poco tiempo le pasaba por encima a EEUU. Bueno, parece que después de 15 años Japón dejó de lado el estancamiento y vuelve a la senda del crecimiento. Espero que no sea otra falsa alarma:
NO COUNTRY in modern history has moved so swiftly from worldwide adulation to dismissal or even contempt as did Japan, in a process that began more or less as the temple bells were tolling in the new year of 1990. In the 15 years that followed, amid crashing stock- and property markets, mountains of dud debt, scores of corruption scandals, vast government deficits and stagnant economic growth, Japan mutated from being a giver of lessons to a recipient of lectures, all of which offered recipes for its reform and revival. Those lectures, although received politely by a newly self-deprecatory Japanese elite, seemed to be ignored. Now, however, the time for lectures is over. Japan is back. It is being reformed. It is reviving.
conviene recordar que las buenas perspectivas son consecuencia de la victoria de Kozumi, un privatista y reformista que queiere cargarse (o por lo menos morigerar) la version local del "welfare state"