Oct 17, 2005

La Opinadora Compulsiva Tenía Razón

Es la primera vez que escucho esto sobre la gripe aviar. Les pido que lean este mail de Patrick Cunningham M.D, profesor de la Universidad de Chicago, un lector de Instapundit:

As a medical researcher, I want to make a gentle but sincere plea to the blogosphere to calm down this flu hysteria just a bit. The main way that flu kills is by predisposing its victims to "superinfection" by bacterial illnesses - in 1918, we had no antibiotics for these superimposed infections, but now we have plenty. Such superinfections, and the transmittal of flu itself, were aided tremendously by the crowded conditions and poor sanitation of the early 20th century - these are currently vastly improved as well. Flu hits the elderly the hardest, but the "elderly" today are healthier, stronger, and better nourished than ever before. Our medical infrastructure is vastly better off, ranging from simple things like oxygen and sterile i.v. fluids, not readily available in 1918, to complex technologies such as respirators and dialysis. Should we be concerned? Sure, better safe than sorry, and concerns about publishing the sequence are worth discussing. Should we panic? No - my apologies to the fearmongers, but we will never see another 1918.

Patrick Cunningham M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Section of Nephrology
University of Chicago

Espero sinceramente que esta persona tenga razón. Qué quieren que les diga, mi esposa, la opinadora, me lo venía diciendo desde hace rato. Según ella, no podemos comparar lo que pasó en 1918 con las condiciones actuales y extrapolar.

Creo que tiene razón (por las dudas me esté leyendo, aclaro que ella SIEMPRE tiene razón en TODO, no sólo en esto).

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