Oct 2, 2005

Seguimos con Corea del Norte

Los maravillosos resultados de la puesta en práctica del idealismo colectivista comunista. Aparentemente, otra vez hambrunas en Corea del Norte. Se están organizando colectas de alimentos para tratar de paliar en algo la situación.

Este analista se pregunta si el mundo libre les hace un favor realmente enviando comida y contribuyendo a que se mantenga el regimen de los Kim:

North Koreans apparently are starving again. The U.S. is offering 50,000 tons of food aid, but the United Nations World Food Program hopes to raise far more. In the case of North Korea, however, less is probably better.

The so-called Democratic People's Republic of Korea belongs on any list of world's worst tyrannies. The Stalinist regime has created a human rights horror, mismanaged the economy, diverted precious resources to an over-size military and nuclear weapons program, and allowed hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of people to die over the last decade.

It is hard to stand by when people are starving. WFP Asia Director Anthony Banbury worries that even after the U.S. contribution, "If no new donations come in, 80 percent of the 6.5 million people we are trying to help will be without our assistance and they will be in a desperate situation."

Unfortunately, yielding to the temptation to help would strengthen the regime of Kim Jong-il and thereby prolong the suffering of the North Korean people.

North Korea is a true totalitarian state, perhaps the closest approximation of George Orwell's 1984. Amnesty International lists a litany of violations of the most basic human rights: torture, executions, starvation, degrading imprisonment, controlled press.

Pyongyang also follows the Stalinist Soviet Union and Maoist China in enforcing political dictatorship through secret police and penal camps. Norbert Vollertsen, a German physician who spent 18 months in North Korea, writes of "mass executions, torture, rape, murder, and other crimes against humanity" conducted in the North's prisons. Even more chilling are reports, unconfirmed but believable, of chemical and biological weapons tests on inmates.

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