Dec 22, 2005

Relativismo Moral

Por favor, no se pierdan esta columna de Victor Davis Hanson sobre el relativismo moral, tan de moda para juzgar a EEUU y la guerra contra el terrorismo.

Ugly paradoxes abound:

* European and American journalists agonized over a purportedly mistreated Koran in Guantanamo Bay, yet remain silent about the police state right outside of Gitmo’s walls.

* Sexual stupidity at Abu Ghraib gets far more weight than the thousands murdered in the same building by the dictatorship that America ended.

* The U.N. is held up as a morally superior alternative to coalitions of the willing, even after the vast Oil-for-Food scandal that enriched Saddam and U.N. insiders at the expense of everyday Iraqi lives has been exposed.

* France and Germany present themselves as alternatives to U.S. leadership in solving the problems of the Middle East, even though they were the main traffickers with Saddam up until the very eve of the war, and have sent money to terror groups like Hamas.

* The U.S., which has welcomed millions of Arab immigrants, and given billions in aid to Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan, and rescued Muslims in Kuwait, Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia, and Afghanistan must now plead that we are not anti-Muslim.

1 comment:

  1. La verdad es que no tengo idea, me gustaría mucho que me lo expliques a mí y de paso a las personas que suelen leer este blog. Cuando tengas un minuto, espero tu comentario. Gracias desde ya.


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