Jan 25, 2006

Harper's Anglosphere Option

Las opciones de Harper. Me temo que tal vez mucha gente esté esperando demasiado del nuevo gobierno en Canadá. No estoy tan seguro si tiene tanto lugar de maniobra (visto en Instapundit):

Harper's win in Canada is welcome news to the entire Anglosphere. This is not so much on account of what Harper may do, although there are some interesting possibilites, but at a minimum for what he will not do: ride anti-Americanism as his substitute for an honest patriotism. The fundamental problem with the Liberals is that ever since Trudeau deconstructued the basis of historical Canadian patriotism, the Liberals have not been able to construct an adequate substitute. They are almost embarassed to love the real, historical Canada, (they are too busy apologizing for it) unless that sentiment can somehow be tied into America-bashing. Dudes, get a life -- and while you're at it, get a national narrative that consist of something else besides "I'm not them."

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