Mar 22, 2006

Tomá para vos

En un estudio de KPMG, Sherbrooke salió en primer lugar en el mundo como ciudad para invertir (ver los parámetros de la comparación más abajo). ¿Qué me cuentan? Chupate esa mandarina.

Competitive Alternatives

KPMG's guide to international business costs

2006 Edition

Competitive Alternatives represents KPMG's guide for comparing business costs in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. The 2006 study is the most thorough comparison of international business costs ever undertaken by KPMG, and contains valuable information for any company seeking cost advantage in locating their international business operations.

The study is an expansion and update of previous KPMG publications, and measures the combined impact of 27 significant business cost components that are most likely to vary by location. The study covers 17 industry operations in nine industrialized countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The basis for comparison is the after-tax cost of startup and operations, over 10 years.


  1. mirate vos, che!!! ya estás haciendo planes de inversión???

  2. Asumo que es donde Luis vive

  3. Jacinta, próximamente en esta sala la Opinator Corporation.

    Víctor, sí, esa es la zona donde vivo yo acá en Québec. Cómo se nota que no estás informado de la farándula, no lees Caras :-)

  4. Felicitaciones Luis y Sherbrook.
    Valió la pena el merger.


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