Apr 6, 2006

Link de Liberty Bell, Google sigue a las andadas:

Google News Includes Terrorist Organization

I thought I was finished being surprised by the news sources officially chosen by Google News to include in their index.

Then I learned that Google News is giving their stamp of legitimacy to none other than the propaganda wing of the terrorist group Hizballah, Al-Manar—recently named by the US Treasury Department as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization: al-manar source:al_manar - Google News.


  1. Luis, viste la tapa de Urgente24 - Opinion?

  2. Anda a U24, fijate en la columna de la derecha, bajo Opinion, mira quien esta.

  3. ¡Grande, Rubén! se nos va para arriba como fart de scuba diver...

  4. Ruben hace rato que esta ahi (puse un comentario en algun lado pero no lo encuentro). Fijate el que esta ARRIBA de Ruben.

  5. ¿ehhh? soy yo, ¿quién me puso ahí?


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