May 4, 2006


Victor Davis Hanson: Give Iran Enough Rope

The debate in the U.S. over how to contend with Iran as it pursues nuclear weapons goes like this:

Many conservatives worry that the Bush administration - stung by the backlash over Iraq and the president's sinking poll numbers - has sworn off the military option. They argue that endless discussion and attempts at diplomacy have only emboldened the Iranian theocracy.

Liberals counter that Iran's weapons program is over-hyped in the manner of Saddam Hussein's phantom nuclear arsenals. They worry we will soon stage another preemptive attack - if for no other reason than to wag the dog and shore up the president's approval ratings. And even if Iran gets the bomb, they argue, so what? Don't we already live with a nuclear Islamic Pakistan?

Most Americans, though, probably understand the current U.S. position. We are resigned to the fact that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is both unhinged and eager to get his own nukes - and that we must somehow stop him at the 11th hour.

1 comment:

  1. Yo por mi que se den masa tranquilos, lo miro por TV.
    El único problema es que si Iran tiene de verdad la bomba atómica, puede llegar a tirarla acá en Bs As donde hay muchos judios. Las mentes maniqueas de la teocracia islámica pueden asimilar con equivalencia ese target con con Israel o EEUU. De hecho, a falta de atacarlos a ellos, ya lo hicieron con nosotros.


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