May 24, 2006

Las universidades de EEUU

Muy interesante comentario sobre los problemas de las universidades de EEUU, muy relacionados con el relativismo cultural y la corrección política:

Are American universities now in their golden age? Many rank as the leading research institutions in the world. A college education is within reach for more Americans than ever before. Applications continue to rise as colleges attract the best and the brightest from the U.S. and from overseas. And yet it is hard not to get the feeling that there is something amiss at American schools.

Recent headlines certainly suggest troubles at individual universities--Duke with its lacrosse scandal, Yale with its admission of a former Taliban member, Harvard with its routing of president Lawrence Summers. But Harry Lewis, a former dean at Harvard who still teaches computer science there, thinks the problem is deeper than a handful of alarming anecdotes might suggest. In "Excellence Without a Soul," Mr. Lewis decries the "hollowness of undergraduate education."

He takes Harvard as his case study, but many of his conclusions apply to the rest of American higher education. Mr. Lewis finds American universities "soulless" and argues that they rarely speak as "proponents of high ideals for future American leaders." He bluntly states that Harvard "has lost, indeed willingly surrendered, its moral authority to shape the souls of its students. . . . Harvard articulates no ideals of what it means to be a good person."

1 comment:

  1. "has lost, indeed willingly surrendered, its moral authority to shape the souls of its students. . . . Harvard articulates no ideals of what it means to be a good person."

    Esta es mi parte favorita....

    Cuando enseñaba Etica, veía el escepticismo pintado en la cara de mis alumnos durante la primera clase... en el medio del curso muchos de ellos me pedían copias del material que usábamos para compartir con sus familias... al final se despedían con un beso... qué habrá sido de esos 2000 jóvenes argentinos que pasaron por mis clases... habrán conservado su alma? estarán propiciando cambios????

    Uno puede rendirse.... o luchar!

    Estoy segura de que Harvard recuperará su alma y seguirá liderando este gran país...


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