Muy interesante comentario sobre el sistema monetario de Somalia en The Angry Economist. ¿Cómo es posible que un estado fallido, o una sociedad sin estado, tenga una moneda nacional?:
I think most people know that Somalia has what is called a "failed state" in some quarters, and a "stateless society" in others. They have no central government, and yet they have police, laws, and courts (as they know them; not as we know them). They also have a national currency .... without a nation.
The Somali shilling is left over from the old government. I forget whether it was socialist, democratic, or a dictatorship. Doesn't really matter. A central government can issue currency and enforce its value by changing the amount of currency in a controlled manner. Typically, this is done by shooting counterfeiters. Counterfeiting is a very serious crime in every country.
And yet, since there is no functional central government, how can the Somali shilling possibly work? You would think that counterfeiters would simply print up more and more and more bills, since there's nobody to stop them. But that's not what happens. Yes, new bills have been printed up in the intervening years by private parties. But the currency has not suffered from unlimited inflation, and I think I know why.
Impresionante!!!! realmente impresionante!!!! Quizá K podría ir a Somalia a tomar algunas clasesitas... o la Michelli... no?