May 25, 2006

Nacionalizar es vivir

Más de Johan Norberg sobre la nacionalización de los recursos naturales. Muy de actualidad ahora que vuelve a estar de moda en la región:


700.000 tonnes
- The copper that was produced every year in Zambia in the 1970s, soon after nationalisation.

249.100 tonnes

- The quantity that was produced in 2000, after 30 years of mismanagement, waste and corruption in the state copper company.

427.000 tonnes

- The quantity produced today, after the mines have been sold to KCM, a private Indian company.

900.000 tonnes
- The quantity that will be produced in 2008, thanks to KCM´s upgrades and investments that will develop new mines and processing plants and expand old mines´ life.

From The Economist.


Speaking of the problems of oil socialism, Financial Times listens to voices from the small village Limoncocha in Ecuador, as the American oil company Occidental (Oxy) has been chased away and the state-owned Petroecuador takes over:

“Oxy helped us for 20 years – with infrastructure, educational scholarships, sports facilities and vehicles. Pretty much all the infrastructure here was paid for by Oxy.”
- Jorge Grefa, president of the parish of Limoncocha.

“Oxy was responsive to our requests. We asked them to limit work at night and they did so. And they were pretty quick about responding to environmental problems ... We know how Petroecuador works. They damage the environment and don’t help local communities. Petroecuador has brought destruction wherever it has operated.”
- Enoc Cerda, rector of the Limoncocha school.

Pero no pasa nada, me puedo pasar el resto de mi vida tirando cifras y es totalmente al fart. No se trata de una cuestión racional, está mucho más ligado a lo testicular, a quien la tiene más larga, quien es más macho y se la banca.

No se preocupen, esta vez seguro que sale bien.

1 comment:

  1. No critica Norberg el sistema que usan sus vecinos, en Noruega?


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