Jul 12, 2006

USSR in Construction

Las viejas buenas épocas, cuando el futuro de gloria de la humanidad pasaba por el totalitarismo colectivista:

In the 1930’s, the Soviet government wanted the world to believe it was living the dream: rapid modernization, economic miracles, etc. To support this cause, it created the magazine USSR in Construction, home to some of the most innovative graphic design of the past century.

The magazine was published in Russian, English, French, German, and Spanish editions and exported to the West in order to send a message about Soviet economic success (with no mention of the unsavory truth of Stalinism: persecution, state terror, famine, etc.). Each one was devoted to a specific topic, like aviation, the army, coal mining, etc.

The issues became aesthetic adventures in the hands of designers like El Lissitzky and Aleksandr Rodchenko. They created a new breed of publication—an avant-garde amalgam of minimal text, larger-than-life photography, photomontages, complex gatefolds, pop-ups, and more.


  1. El Lissitzky, un troesma!
    Lo que hubiera podido hacer/producir en un entorno capitalista!

  2. En los adorados ochentas se abrió un centro cívico de la UCD (luego UCEDE) en una casa de altos de la calle Entre Ríos, en Rosario.
    Antes había funcionado ahí un centro cultural ruso/soviético.
    Todavía guardo de recuerdo un ejemplar del PRAVDA que dejaron al abandonar el local.


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