Aug 16, 2006

Esta vez seguro que sale bien

El Maestro Thomas Sowell expresa exactamente mis sentimientos sobre el “alto el fuego” en el Líbano. De todas maneras, lo vuelvo a repetir, espero de todo corazón ser yo el que está equivocado y que esta vez la cosa termine de la mejor manera posible:

How many cease-fires have there been in the Middle East -- or is the number too large to remember? Over the past half century, there must have been more cease-fires in the Middle East than in the rest of the world combined.

What will this latest cease-fire do? It will give Hezbollah a breather from Israeli retaliation and allow them time to get new shipments of military equipment from Iran, rebuild their military infrastructure and prepare for the next round of attacks on Israel.

Why do these phony cease-fire scenarios keep getting repeated? Because there are too many people, including many in the media, who take the corrupt windbags at the U.N. seriously -- so our political leaders have to act as if they take the U.N. seriously as well.
This is a costly charade. Among its costs are human lives. U.N. cease-fires are the ultimate in feel-good decisions made by people who pay no price for the repercussions.

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