Aug 16, 2006

La religión de la tolerancia

Muy preocupante, dos videos sobre la situación de los cristianos en Indonesia (de Liberty Bell):

Video # 1
Western Media Ignores Plight of Indonesian Christians

In another case of persecution against the Christian minority in the majority Islamic nation of Indonesia, three women have been arrested for holding a Sunday service in the privacy of their own homes. As usual, this religious discrimination against Christians is largely ignored by the media, for the main reason that it contrasts far too sharply with the leftist lie that Islam is a religion of peace and that Islam teaches to love non-Muslims, a lie that is told in order to appease the un-appeasable Jihadist Ummah.

Video # 2

"The 3 Rebekkas" were charged with converting Muslims to Christianity. They were lucky to escape with only 3 years prison. Ironically, the Imam who was convicted of the Bali bombings only got 2 years. He has been out of prison now for months.

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