Aug 15, 2006

Las causas raíz

Muy interesante artículo sobre el por qué de la negativa de tanta gente en todo el mundo de aceptar la verdad sobre naturaleza del terrorismo fundamentalista islámico.

Según el autor, gran parte de la izquierda dura europea siente una enorme fascinación por Hezbollah y considera a Hassan Nasrallah como un nuevo Che Guevara:

Scholars of the Enlightenment should be in high demand these days. For the political and media responses to the plot to bomb up to ten U.S. airliners in mid air above the Atlantic reflect its two-faced intellectual and philosophical heritage. There is that great optimism in human nature, the belief in rationality and science, the conviction that everything has an explanation and that every problem has a solution. There is the unbending belief that “all men are created equals,” that we are entitled to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Then there is the dark side, not of Locke and Montesquieu, not of the American Revolution and the Federalists, but of the French terror, of the tyranny of ideas over the liberty of men, of the totalitarian regimes that sprang out of Enlightenment philosophy no less than liberal democracies did.

Some, in Europe and the U.S., have already understood terrorism’s true nature: the tool of a totalitarian murderous ideology, which must be confronted for what it is, not for what we wish it to be, if liberty is to survive.

But others are trying to play down this characterization, for fear of the consequences of putting radical Islam in the same category as Fascism and Communism, especially given that Islam is not a distant reality of the East, but it now dwells in the heart of Europe.

(Leer más)

1 comment:

  1. Igual que en Chile. El presidente del PC, Jorge Teiller junto con su rebaño también lo celebra. Y en Viña del Mar he visto carteles en las calles, convocando a un lugar, obviamente para celebrar el cumpleaños del dictador.


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