Aug 18, 2006

Muy interesante. ¿Es la Guerra de Irak el equivalente de la Primera Guerra Mundial para las generaciones del siglo XXI? (Visto en Barcepundit):

WW1 spawned the pacifism, defeatism and self-flagellation by the West - (by spawning post-modernism, and its concommitant cultural and moral relativism) - and it led directly to the policies of appeasement and that led to WW2.

The over-reaction to the horrific losses and casualties caused by WW1 is why so many in Europe to this day reject Western Civilization as a basically racist and bellicose enterprise which in their opinion has been and remains a blight on human history. It's the foundation of the Left's affinity to any non-Western belligerant who claims to have been wronged by the West - like the jihadomaniacs. They hate the USA because the USA is the defender of the West and they loathe the West; (the leftist dominated academy has taught them that the West caused Third World poverty and is causing Global Warming, two falsehOods). Bottom-line: The Great Satan for both the jihadomaniacs and the post modern Leftists is th USA.

I'm beginning to believe that a whole new generation of Westerners - folks born after Vietnam and not too aware of WW1, "THE X21 GENERATION" - is having a similar reaction to the Iraq War - despite the fact that the Iraq War is actually one of the least damaging wars the USA has ever fought. Many feel this way because of the relentless propaganda broadcast over-and-over-and-over again and again by the MSM - including all kinds of biased trumped up events, and fraudulent, photoshopped fauxtographs and staged events.

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