Aug 30, 2006

No cabe duda de que vivimos en un planeta generoso. El presidente de Irán desafía a Bush a un debate televisivo, pero sólo bajo la condición de que no haya censura para los televidentes de EEUU.

Todo esto del presidente de una teocracia que parece salida del medioevo.

Este es el punto de vista de Johan Norberg:

Iran´s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has challenged Bush to participate in a television debate with him, "But the condition is that there can be no censorship, especially for the American nation".

Ahmadinejad´s sudden opposition to censorship is heart-warming. Since 2000, Iran’s reactionary judiciary has closed down more than 100 newspapers because they were too oppositional and reformist, Iran censors the Internet and no country has arrested more bloggers. Bush should have accepted the invitation, on the condition that Iran’s media gets the same freedom to report as the American media has.

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