Aug 5, 2006

Se vienen los huracanes

En fin, qué les puedo decir, seguramente no saldrá en ningún medio o aparecerá perdido en alguna sección menor en el medio del diario. Sabemos que mandamos cualquiera pero es por una buena causa.

Parece que la temporada de huracanes record que se anunciaba no es para tanto. Una vez más, el “calentamiento global” o el “cambio climático” (visto en Expose the Left):

2006 Hurricane Season to be Downgraded, Will Media Report It?

When the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration announced on May 22 its forecast of a very active hurricane season for 2006, the press went absolutely gaga reporting it. In fact, an unaudited LexisNexis search of the word “hurricane” on that day yielded more than 1,300 results, with 61 coming from the broadcast networks and cable news outlets alone.

With only three named tropical storms so far this season, and nothing significant hitting the American mainland yet, the NOAA will be revising its prediction on Tuesday, August 8.

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