Aug 1, 2006

Una preguntita

En lo de Ace of Spades, MUY interesante:

A Question

Leftists and Islamofascist apologists always suggest that Israel should simply absorb a certain number of civilian murders per day without reprisal, in the interest of peace. Sort of the cost of doing business -- and you know how Jews love their business.

I'm curious-- why is that no leftist nor Islamofascist apologist suggests the reverse? Why should it not be that Lebanon, or Gaza, or whomever should peacefully absorb a certain number of deaths per day in the interests of peace?

They always say that Israel retaliating "perpetuates the cycle of violence."

Well, Muslim retaliations seem to "perpetuate the cycle of violence," too -- and yet I never seem to hear calls for Muslims to just accept their casualties and turn the other cheek, as is constantly called for with regard to Jewish deaths.

Apparently only some deaths really matter. I guess when you get past six million-- who's really counting anymore? Couple hundred here or there hardly seems to matter, right?

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