Aug 11, 2006

Victor Davis Hanson sobre las nuevas "rules of war". Para ganar, Occidente tiene que perder. Les dejo la primera:

1. Any death — enemy or friendly, accidental or deliberate, civilian or soldier — favors the terrorists. The Islamists have no claim on morality; Westerners do and show it hourly. So, in a strange way, images of the dead and dying are attributed only to our failing. If ours are killed, it is because those in power were not careful (inadequate body armor, unarmored humvees, etc), most likely due to some supposed conspiracy (Halliburton profiteering, blood for oil, wars for Israel, etc.). When Muslim enemies are killed, whether by intent or accidentally, the whole arsenal of Western postmodern thought comes into play. For the United States to have such power over life and death, the enemy appears to the world as weak, sympathetic, and victimized; we as strong and oppressive. Terrorists are still “constructed” as “the other” and thus are seen as suffering — doctored photos or not — through the grim prism of Western colonialism, racism, and imperialism.

In short, it is not just that Western public opinion won’t tolerate many losses; it won’t tolerate for very long killing the enemy either — unless the belligerents are something akin to the white, Christian Europeans of Milosevic’s Serbia, who, fortunately for NATO war planners in the Balkans, could not seek refuge behind any politically correct paradigm and so were bombed with impunity. Remember, multiculturalism always trumps fascism: the worst homophobe, the intolerant theocrat, and the woman-hating bigot is always sympathetic if he wears some third-world garb, mouths anti-Americanism, and looks most un-European. To win these wars, our soldiers must not die or kill.

1 comment:

  1. Acá Hanson la clavó! Me discuto a cada tres por dos con gente "simpatizante" por palabra u obra con la causa palestina. Resulta que es políticamente correcto no tanto "defender" las razones de Hamas o Hetzbolla, como criticar por fascistas a Israel. JA. Cuando me paro y les pregunto exactamente en qué se diferencia Hamas de ETA, bueno, se producen o bien miradas en blanco, o bien miradas de que necesito ser internada en algún sanatorio mental.

    La cosa es justo esta: the worst homophobe, the intolerant theocrat, and the woman-hating bigot is always sympathetic if he wears some third-world garb, mouths anti-Americanism, and looks most un-European. Digo yo que si Mr & Ms. Etarras se pintaran la cara a lo árabe, tendrían bula papal también. Es de pena.


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