Sep 21, 2006

Dawson's Creek

Conmoción en Québec por un artículo sobre el ataque a tiros en el colegio Dawson que salió publicado en el diario Globe and Mail. Jan Wong, una periodista, no tuvo mejor idea que relacionar este ataque y el de la École Polytechnique en 1989, el peor de la historia de Canadá, a las políticas nacionalistas de Québec que inevitablemente llevan a que la sociedad de esta provincia sea más cerrada que otras.

Jean Charest, el premier de Québec, y Stephen Harper, Primer Ministro de Canadá, enviaron cartas al director, muy molestos con los dichos de esta persona.

Yo creo que, como dice Harper, si bien hay mucho de cierto en la descripción que hace la periodista de las políticas provinciales, no es razonable sostener que sean la causa de estos ataques. Para mí se trata claramente de mentes desquiciadas:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Quebec Premier Jean Charest are rebuking a Globe and Mail writer who wrote a recent article that suggested Quebec's francophone culture may have contributed to the Dawson College shootings.

The feature, written by Jan Wong and published in the Sept. 16 edition of the paper, described what happened inside Dawson College the day Kimveer Gill walked in and opened fire on students, killing one woman and injuring 19 other people.

Wong wrote that a possible explanation could be found in the fact that Gill, like gunman Marc Lépine, who killed 14 women at l'École Polytechnique in 1989, were people of foreign background, not "pure laine" Quebecers, and their anti-social behaviour stemmed from their disaffection with Quebec society and its reluctance to welcome outsiders.

"What many outsiders don't realize is how alienating the decades-long linguistic struggle has been in the once-cosmopolitan city," Wong wrote in the two-page feature.

In a letter to the Globe and Mail published Thursday, Harper acknowledged that while Wong has a right to her point of view, her argument is "patently absurd and without foundation," and shows prejudice in blaming a whole society for the actions of one individual.

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