Oct 2, 2006

El eterno lamento progre

Excelente artículo de Johan Norberg en el WSJ de hoy:

That the anticapitalists' particular concerns have been proven wrong again and again doesn't help for long, because soon they find a new excuse to condemn free markets. The latest variety is Marx on his head: He said that capitalism is bad because it actually creates poverty and slavery. Today, critics say that capitalism creates wealth and freedom -- but this is bad for well-being because we become stressed up, frustrated by the constant demand to choose, working too hard and consuming too much to keep up with the Joneses.

Don't expect the critics of capitalism to change their minds any time soon. As long as they don't believe in the creative ability of mankind or that the market is a plus-sum game, they will continue to think that someone, somewhere, is victimized whenever and wherever we see growth and innovation. Unless this disparagement of entrepreneurs is tamed, people will allow government, with its arsenal of taxes and regulations, to take their place.

1 comment:

  1. Todo un tema, en lo personal me apasiona. Creo que es una cuestión muy difícil de encarar. Por qué hay tanta gente que, por lo menos en el discurso, se oponen al progreso y a la modernidad. Creo que para muchas sociedades se trata de una cuestión cultural, en muchos casos muy mezclada con una peligrosa combinación de odio, rencor y resentimiento.


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