Oct 11, 2006

Sigue la corrección política en Inglaterra. La Iglesia Anglicana acusa al gobierno de favorecer al islamismo sobre otras religiones (enviado por Liberty Bell):

The Church of England has privately blamed the Government for favouring Islam over other religions, it was revealed today.

A document prepared by the Archbishop of Canterbury's adviser on other faiths accused ministers of showing political preference to Muslims and using taxpayers' money to promote Islam.

But, it said, the result has only been to deepen the divisions in society.

And the report questioned why Britain is regarded as a 'multi-faith' society when more than seven out of ten people say they are Christians and only one in 20 follow another faith.

The protests within the Church of England are a further blow to the left-wing doctrine of multiculturalism that denigrates British history and tradition while insisting on the right of every minority group to develop its own culture.

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