Nov 4, 2006

Today Tehran, Tomorrow the World

Relacionado con el post anterior, ¿Tandrá razón Charles Krauthammer? Honestamente espero que no:

Depending on your own beliefs, Ahmadinejad is either mystical or deranged. In either case, he is exceedingly dangerous. And Iran is just the first. With infinitely accelerated exchanges of information helping develop whole new generations of scientists, extremist countries led by similarly extreme men will be in a position to acquire nuclear weaponry. If nothing is done, we face not proliferation but hyperproliferation. Not just one but many radical states will get weapons of mass extinction, and then so will the fanatical and suicidal terrorists who are their brothers and clients.

That will present the world with two futures. The first is Feynman's vision of human destruction on a scale never seen. The second, perhaps after one or two cities are lost with millions killed in a single day, is a radical abolition of liberal democracy as the species tries to maintain itself by reverting to strict authoritarianism--a self-imposed expulsion from the Eden of post-Enlightenment freedom.

Can there be a third future? That will depend on whether we succeed in holding proliferation at bay. Iran is the test case. It is the most dangerous political entity on the planet, and yet the world response has been catastrophically slow and reluctant. Years of knowingly useless negotiations, followed by hesitant international resolutions, have brought us to only the most tentative of steps--referral to a Security Council that lacks unity and resolve. Iran knows this and therefore defiantly and openly resumes its headlong march to nuclear status. If we fail to prevent an Iranian regime run by apocalyptic fanatics from going nuclear, we will have reached a point of no return. It is not just that Iran might be the source of a great conflagration but that we will have demonstrated to the world that for those similarly inclined there is no serious impediment.

1 comment:

  1. Todo un tema, Elena. Como primer paso, creo que sería muy importante la unanimidad en todo el mundo sobre el peligro potencial de la situación. No me refiero a entendamos que es peligroso para EEUU o para Israel, sino que lo es para todos los países del planeta que aspiran a vivir en paz y libertad.

    Una vez logrado este consenso, se vería qué hacer. Creo que hay opciones. Me temo que mientras sigamos negando la realidad, como con esas encuestas que sostienen que él presidente de EEUU es más peligroso para la paz mundial que el de Irán, estamos muy complicados.


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