Nov 13, 2006

Too Asian?

Mientras los latinos seguimos pidiendo limosna en la forma de affimative action, los asiáticos no pierden el tiempo. Muy interesante artículo del WSJ sobre la desproporcionada cantidad de asiáticos en las universidades americanas:

Though Asian-Americans constitute only about 4.5% of the U.S. population, they typically account for anywhere from 10% to 30% of students at many of the nation's elite colleges.

Even so, based on their outstanding grades and test scores, Asian-Americans increasingly say their enrollment should be much higher -- a contention backed by a growing body of evidence.

Whether elite colleges give Asian-American students a fair shake is becoming a big concern in college-admissions offices. Federal civil-rights officials are investigating charges by a top Chinese-American student that he was rejected by Princeton University last spring because of his race and national origin.

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