Dec 23, 2006

¿Qué Holocausto?

Se van a hacer públicos centenares de miles de documentos relacionados con los campos de exterminio de los nazis desde la llegada al poder de Hitler en Alemania en 1933 hasta el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945.

Qué quieren que les diga, yo estoy con el presidente de Irán y tantos otros. Seguramente se trata de documentación apócrifa creada por los servicios de inteligencia judíos, rusos, gitanos, eslavos, homosexuales, socialdemócratas, de los Testigos de Jehová y demás:

They are about to have their first access to millions of documents locked away for a half century in the sprawling archive of the International Tracing Service, an arm of the International Committee of the Red Cross, in the central German resort town of Bad Arolsen.

The 11 countries governing the ITS have agreed to lift the ban on research that had been imposed to safeguard victims' privacy, though it still will take months until each country ratifies the decision and the doors open.

Recently, The Associated Press was allowed to view ITS documents on condition it did not publish the identities of individuals. Among the yellowed pages and pasted telegrams seen by AP were internal communications, secret orders, and "conduct reports" that determined whether inmates would be freed.

The "pyramid" ranged from death camps such as Auschwitz at the top, to secondary and tertiary detention centers. There were 500 brothels, where foreign women were put at the disposal of German officers, and more than 100 "child care facilities" where women in labor camps were forced to undergo abortions or had their newborns taken away and killed — usually by starvation — so the mothers could quickly return to work.

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