Jan 7, 2007


No hay caso, el camino es el socialismo nacionalista latinoamericano.

La vez pasada Julio comentaba por acá que Cuba, la Isla de la Fantasía, nos había despojado del record de crecimiento económico de la región. Resulta que ahora me vengo a enterar de que también están experimentando una fiebre de consumo similar a la de Argentina durante las fiestas de fin de año:

Cuba's official youth newspaper on Sunday reported an increase in sales of children's toys this year but warned against a rise in consumerism on the communist-run island.

In a two-page spread, the Juventud Rebelde reported on the revival of "Three Kings Day," a Latin American tradition of giving gifts to children on Jan. 6, commemorating the arrival of three wise men who offered the newborn Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

"A tradition that seemed extinct in Cuban society rises again," the state-run newspaper said. "Although no one sees celebrating the millennial festivity of the Three Kings as heresy, the danger could be in (the holiday) accentuating consumerist habits and social differences."

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