Jan 20, 2007

Atrás, que soy un experto

Interesante, creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que el punto de vista de Los Expertos, cuando opinan de su área de experiencia, tiene más peso que la del público en general. Pero, ¿podemos decir lo mismo cuando opinan de cualquier otro tema, fuera de su área de experiencia?

Yo creo que no:

To be sure, when it comes to their area of expertise, elite professors deserve a degree of deference. When it comes to matters outside their area of expertise, such as whether God exists (the question Galt and Hanson are discussing), elite faculty deserve no more deference than any other smart people. Indeed, they may deserve less deference than a representative cross section of the general public. University faculties tend to be highly self-selected and appointments tend to be dominated by network effects that produce a remarkable homogeneity of belief (or, in this case, disbelief). Outside their areas of expertise (and sometimes even inside it), their beliefs tend to be colored by their ideology and by the need to conform to the expectations of their colleagues.

(visto en Instapundit)

1 comment:

  1. No puedo estar mas de acuerdo, luis. Es por eso que yo soy experto en TODAS las areas!


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