Jan 28, 2007

La vuelta del Sucre

Mary Anastasia O'Grady sostiene que muchos de los lideres actuales de la región conocen al pie de la letra las tácticas políticas leninistas y explica el por qué de la determinación de Correa por terminar cuanto antes con la dolarización en Ecuador.

Insisto, es de libro de texto, la destrucción de la moneda es condición absolutamente necesaria para la instauración a pleno de las políticas populistas clásicas del socialismo nacionalista latinoamericano:

The adoption of the greenback as Ecuador's currency seven years ago has been extremely popular among Ecuadoreans of all classes. A long history of repeated bouts of hyperinflation, which destroyed both wages and savings, has finally come to an end and been replaced by a new sense of stability. Mr. Correa knows full well that he cannot strip Ecuadoreans of this one economic gain without facing the kind of rebellion that brought down previous governments. Yet the control he yearns for will not be his as long as the dollar reigns.

To reverse dollarization and introduce a fiat currency, Mr. Correa will have to undermine the dollar economy. One step in that process is stifling commerce with the U.S., his country's largest trading partner. He has already pledged that under his guidance Ecuador will move away from trade liberalization with the gringos and throw its lot in with Mr. Chavez's Bolivarian Alternative for America trading block.

Protectionism will help weaken the dollar economy but it may not be enough to provoke a crisis. A forced restructuring of the country's $10.3 billion in external debt will provide further assistance by damaging the country's creditworthiness and discouraging new investment, particularly because it is well known that Ecuador's debt service as a percentage of gross domestic product is lower than Colombia's or Brazil's. Creditors understand that paying what is owed is a matter of willingness. Nevertheless, Mr. Correa's finance minister, Ricardo Patino, last week proposed a haircut of 60% on the country's debt and invited a team of Argentine officials -- otherwise known as the world's most experienced deadbeats -- to Quito this week to act as advisers.


  1. Si hay algo de lo cual espero estar seguro es que Correa no las tendría fáciles si llega a reimplantar el sucre como moneda nacional. Ya se sabe que la mayoría de los ecuatorianos apoya la dolarización.

    Y la verdad, Luis, es que no doy garantías de que Rafael Correa pueda completar su mandato; y yo personalmente espero que no lo complete. El hecho de que en el Congreso ecuatoriano no tenga legisladores propios indica algo.

  2. Andrés, Yo sí espero que Correa termine su mandato en tiempo y en forma. Como sea. Igual que espero que Kirchner termine el suyo y se vaya cuanto antes. Creo que en los casos de Argentina y de Ecuador, hace falta un mínimo de estabilidad y volver a la normalidad.


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