Feb 25, 2007

The Futurist tiene una timeline sobre consumo y tipo de energía en los próximos años. Muy interesante, pero no creo que se aproxime a la realidad. Por lo general este tipo de cuestiones suelen incluir la introducción de tecnologías que no existían en el momento en que se hicieron las predicciones.


  1. Louis,

    Wow, that was fast. You got it up in just a few minutes of it being posted.

    The Futurist.

  2. I hope you do not mind my linking your blog, you have some very interesting stuff.

  3. Absolutely.

    I wish I could read more Spanish myself.

  4. I basically say that your timeline is very interesting but that in this area, as in many others, the note is often given by the apparition of new completely technologies that did not exist at all in the moment of making the predictions. I am sure that will be the case this time as well.

  5. Louis,

    One trick is to scan the research breakthroughs in multiple scientific journals. If multiple unrelated universities or labs are reporting progress in one particular area, that greatly increases the chances of that technology making a difference in the market 5-20 years hence. It is rare (though not impossible) for a major technology to come to market without popping up in any major journals 5-20 years earlier.

    That information still almost never enables one to become wealthy, because predicting which company outcompetes another in using a particular technology is a totally different matter.


  6. eh.. luv this style


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