Feb 5, 2007

¿Kyoto protocolo tenés?

En este momento tenemos 22 grados bajo cero, 36 con el viento. Dónde está el calentamiento global cuando uno lo necesita.

Hablando del tema, todo el mundo le echa la culpa al actual presidente por no plegar a EEUU al “protocolo de Kyoto”. Pero hete aquí que fue durante el gobierno de Clinton, y su vice Al Gore, que el senado de ese país lo rechazó por mayoría absoluta.

Qué irónica la vida, la mayoría de los senadores que votaron en contra en su momento están todavía en sus bancas. Entre ellos, agárrense fuerte, John Kerry y Barbara Boxer, ¿les suenan los nombres?, los Grandes Abanderados del “calentamiento global”, el “cambio climático” y el “protocolo de Kyoto”.

No pasa nada, total es un show para la perrada:

Climate Cassandras say the facts are clear and the case is closed. (Sen. Barbara Boxer: "We're not going to take a lot of time debating this anymore.") The consensus catechism about global warming has six tenets: 1. Global warming is happening. 2. It is our (humanity's, but especially America's) fault. 3. It will continue unless we mend our ways. 4. If it continues we are in grave danger. 5. We know how to slow or even reverse the warming. 6. The benefits from doing that will far exceed the costs.

Only the first tenet is clearly true, and only in the sense that the Earth warmed about 0.7 degrees Celsius in the 20th century. We do not know the extent to which human activity caused this. The activity is economic growth, the wealth-creation that makes possible improved well-being—better nutrition, medicine, education, etc. How much reduction of such social goods are we willing to accept by slowing economic activity in order to (try to) regulate the planet's climate?

We do not know how much we must change our economic activity to produce a particular reduction of warming. And we do not know whether warming is necessarily dangerous. Over the millennia, the planet has warmed and cooled for reasons that are unclear but clearly were unrelated to SUVs. Was life better when ice a mile thick covered Chicago? Was it worse when Greenland was so warm that Vikings farmed there? Are we sure the climate at this particular moment is exactly right, and that it must be preserved, no matter the cost?

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