Feb 2, 2007

Más sobre lo que acá decían Louis y Carlos sobre los comentarios del cada vez más ridículo Chirac:

Monsieur le president's version of mutual assured nuclear destruction could also stand some parsing. He seems to think that Tehran would never launch an attack for fear it would be annihilated in return. But assuming Israel were destroyed first, what other country would risk a counterattack itself by nuking millions of Iranian civilians to avenge Israel? France? The same country that wouldn't even let U.S. jets fly over its territory to drop a few conventional bombs on Libya? We doubt many Israelis will share Mr. Chirac's faith in nuclear deterrence against Islamists who prize martyrdom.

Artículo completo aquí:

1 comment:

  1. Muy difícil de entender a esta gente, te lo digo honestamente. Me parece que están enfermos de odios y rencores y prefieren el fracaso propio si eso les asegura el fracaso de los demás.


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