Feb 1, 2007

Pardon my French (pero esto es pa' cargarse de risa)

Environmental campaigners tried to persuade the French to join in a five-minute "lights-out" gesture between 7:55 p.m. and 8 p.m. (1855-1900 GMT) Thursday, along with the Eiffel Tower and public monuments, which will cut their illumination.

Citizens have been asked to turn off their lights and other illuminated devices such as televisions and computers in a show of unity before Friday's release in Paris of a major report warning that the Earth will keep getting warmer and presenting new evidence of humanity's role in climate change.

Some experts said that, while well-intentioned, the lights-out could consume more energy than it would conserve because of a power spike when the lights turn back on _ possibly causing brownouts or even blackouts.

La nota


  1. No importa, lo que vale es la intención. Para el progresismo los símbolos y los gestos son más importantes que los hechos.

  2. Ayer contesté ésto a un post de Rubén:

    En estos momentos estoy en París y siguiendo el sabio consejo de Luis encendí todas las luces. Para mi alegría vi que los galos, por lo menos en mi barrio, no le dieron ni cinco de bolas a lo que planearon los tarados que apagaron la tour Eiffel que, al parecer, pidieron que la gente se plegara a la estupidez ambientalista.
    By Carlos, at 5:36 PM

    El Luis que nombro es Luis Gómez, no vos


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