Mar 13, 2007

Derecho de propiedad

El índice internacional de derecho de propiedad, visto en Johan Norberg. El promedio es de 5,3, Argentina obtiene 3,8 (la misma posición que Egipto), Brasil 4.5. Ni les cuento de nuestros compañeros de lucha, Venezuela y compañía. Por lo menos tenemos Dignidad:

Selected Study Highlights

International Property Rights Index (IPRI) Ranks Seventy Countries
The International Property Rights Index covers seventy nations, both industrialized and developing, from every region in the world. In total, the IPRI country set represents ninety-five percent of world GDP.

Northern European Countries Hold Top Honors
The nations attaining the highest scores in the IPRI Ranking are advanced industrialized countries from Northern Europe, particularly Scandinavia. Norway obtains the highest score of the seventy countries rated.

Bottom Group is from Africa and Latin America
The bottom quartile of the IPRI predominantly includes countries from Africa and Latin America but also Russia and other Central European nations. The weakest performing country of the study sample is Bangladesh.

Average IPRI Rank is 5.3
The average rank for the whole study’s country set is 5.3, on a scale from 0 (weakest property rights protection) to 10 (strongest protection). The highest score obtained is 8.3, while the lowest score is 2.2.

Countries with Stronger Property Rights Protection Benefit from Higher Income
Countries in the top quartile of the IPRI ranking have an average GDP per capita of $32,994, more than seven times higher than countries which rank in the bottom quartile.

Positive Relationship Between IPRI and Economic Well-Being

The correlation of the IPRI Rank and GDP per capita is eighty-nine percent and thereby underlines the positive relationship of effective property rights protection and income.

Este es el punto de vista de Guillermo Sine Metu. Eso me pasa por andar sin tiempo para leer los blogs como se debe.


  1. Claro, si lo dice Norberg, entonces existe.
    Cuando lo dijo Sine Metu el 6 de marzo ¿qué canal estabas mirando?

  2. Norberg es más buenmozo :-) En serio, perdón, se me pasó.


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