Mar 10, 2007

Pedos In Terra Ad Sidera Vicious

Since the end of World War II, the United States has been recognized as the world leader in higher education. It has more colleges and universities, enrolls and graduates more students, and spends more on advanced education and research than any other nation. Each year, more than half a million foreigners come to the United States to study. A widely cited article written by researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University that looked at the academic ranking of universities worldwide based on faculty quality and research output found that more than half of the top 100 universities in the world -- and 17 of the top 20 -- were in the United States.

Visto en Daniel Drezner

Figurará la UNT aquí? Según la pandilla de Cristian, las universidades argentinas tienen mucho mejor nivel que las yanquis. Mmm, lo que sí reconozco, es que estamos innovando con un nuevo sistema desconocido en los supuestos líderes en el campo educativo: "Estudie una materia, apruebe dos." Cuándo llegará a Yale?

1 comment:

  1. Sid Vicious con un ataque de meteorismo, pedorrea su tema favorito:

    ¡God Save The Queen!
    ¡Her Fascist Regime!
    ¡No Future For You!
    ¡No Future For Me!

    (Me dio un ataque de instituto Di Tella)


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