Mar 2, 2007

Johan Norberg sostiene que se deben abolir sin más todas las regulaciones que parecen una tomadura de pelo y pone como ejemplo esta lista de Italia, dejadas sin efecto por el gobierno de Romano Prodi. ¿Les hace acordar a algún otro país?

- Barbers had to be closed on Mondays.
- The number of tour guides was regulated, and they had to be local residents.
- The number of bakeries in every city - and what they could produce - was regulated.
- You could not start a petrol station if there was another one nearby, and they couldn’t sell non-car related goods.
- To drive a taxi you had to inherit a taxi license from your father or buy one for around € 300 000.
- You could not sell your motorbike unless a notary drew up a contract.

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