Apr 20, 2007

Culo sucio

"I have spent the better part of this tour trying to come up with easy ways for us all to become a part of the solution to global warming. Although my ideas are in the earliest stages of development, they are, in my mind, worth investigating.

One of my favorites is in the area of forest conservation which we heavily rely on for oxygen. I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. "

Sheryl Crow, cantautor, ex Owen Wilson, ex Eric Clapton, ex Lance Armstrong


  1. Oh Sheryl dear, I can lick you anytime!

  2. es boluda o se hace?

  3. Después de usar la square of toilet paper habría que lavarla y plancharla para que le sirva al que sigue.

  4. Anónimo, muy bueno tu comentario, aunque algo coprofágico.

  5. Perdón, no quiero ser ofensivo, pero esto de reciclar el papel higiénico me parece una gran cagada. Literalmente.

  6. The Stall [5.12]

    Elaine: Can you spare a square?
    Woman in stall: No I can't.
    Elaine: You can't spare one square?


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