May 31, 2007

Represión progresista

No se pierdan a las “fuerzas de tareas” chavistas disparando armas de fuego contra los manifestantes por la clausura del canal de televisión opositor. Honestamente impresionante.

Me trae muy malos recuerdos de las peores épocas de la Argentina.

(Link de Liberty Bell)


  1. Represión de estudiantes por gobiernos izquierdistas:patriotismo y soberanía.

    Represión de estudiantes por gobiernos derechistas: intento de genocidio.

  2. Con la miseria que hay, mientras el mundo sigue avanzando latinoamérica va de cabeza a la edad de piedra.

  3. Hagan sus apuestas, la guerra civil venezolana será en el 2008, 2009 o 2010?

  4. I have someone near and dear to me, who has been telling me and other friends what has been happening there for 2 years! the world is SLOW in catching up with the news, and any YOUtube posts are being scruntinized by people who HAVE "freedom" and have no logic, common sence, and are "suckers" to believe that Chavez is "For the people" and anyone that DOES NOT adhere to that belief are labeled "Facists". When on the contrary my friend is a person who wants a Democracy, Total Freedom and TRUTH, able to travel, have bands perform there from all over the world, use the internet without fear of it being taken away, . . . to LIVE freely! . . . but the world is NOT listening :(
    What do I do when I hear her, Son and family are in danger!?
    Pray for Venezuela and SPEAK OUT! -MAVIII, California USA

  5. el video mas explicito sobre los hechos: La Revolucion ne sera transmitidap


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